
Hellion: Mystery of the Inquisition

Hellion: Mystery of the Inquisition Recently, it is included in the zone of our special attention. Because, as it turned out, this is not a shooter, but a classic hardcore slasher in tradition Die by the sword And Severance: Blade of Darkness. Such games used to be released only on computers, and now the Poles from Flying Fish Works want to prove to the owners of the Xbox 360 and PS3, that a real slasher is not bright special effects and a thousand blows with a sword per minute, but measured cruel duels, where success can depend on one verified counterattack. I wrote about Hellion Gamemia twice, but still, until recently, the project was known very little. And during our next teleconference with Poland, we finally pulled out a couple of exciting details from the authors.

Fire and sword ..

Recall that Hellion: Mystery of the Inquisition is not just a slasher, but a slasher about the Inquisition, the Dark Middle Ages and Religious Wars in Europe. The action takes place in the XIII century, and we play for the trick of Glastonburye, who, in addition to owning the sword, is trained in exorcism. The art of expelling demons was given to him by wandering monks (see. insert).

The authors promise reliable scenery of medieval Italy, Prussia, Britain and Spain. Perhaps we will even meet some real figures of that era. But this, of course, is historical fiction: a fictitious story is placed in a true setting. And moreover, the authors themselves call it “fantastic”: the next theory of the conspiracy, revealing the “mystical secrets of the Inquisition”, will be involved in, excuse me, demons from hell. The Poles promise to surprise with unexpected turns of history, but, apparently, the case will end with the next salvation of the world and the heartbreaking scene, where the Arch about the Archmed and Pope discusses the plans of world domination at breakfast. As they say in such cases in Odessa: Shama, I beg you, whom you will surprise today!

No, to surprise and hit Hellon: Mystery of the Inquisition will be different: unprecedented cruelty and realism of the battles. Yes, and it is difficult to call it to battles: short, but very capacious fights on swords with a limited number of opponents are waiting for us. As Igromania found out, five members of the Flying Fish Works team themselves often pick up swords, but not in order to go to negotiations with the publisher, but to practice the art of fencing! As the producer of the game admitted, Martin Zhamalski, he often sees the developers in bruises. From their own experience, they model realistic battles using a piercing-cutting weapon in the game.

The battles are extremely naturalistic, with a rash and blood. We saw them with our own eyes and can confidently declare – they are perceived in a completely different way than fights in any other slasher. Suffice it to say that the fighters hold the swords in one hand, and do not wave them like Conan-Warvarian. “The other hand should always be free,” explains the project manager Macezh Kovalski, “it’s easier to maintain balance and remain mobile. Moreover, Godric can grab the enemy and conduct a painful trick, then finish off ". Opponents move with some kind of deadly grace, as if dancing, and the camera shows the most spectacular and cruel moments of fights from the outside. So, we witnessed how Godric reacted with lightning speed to the enemy’s blow, grabbed him by the brush, and then suddenly, with two terrible blows, he almost quartered to the enemy – first the compartment of the squeezing sword, and then his head. The cut limb remained at the Inquisitor in the palm of his hand – dealing with the enemy, he squeamishly threw her away to the side.

How exactly everything will happen, you can clearly familiarize yourself in our in the next day. Note that fights are mainly built on blocks and accurate counterattacks. They were slightly protected with protection-you can melancholy look at your own brush, flying somewhere in the corner of the room. The outcome of the duel is decided by a pair of exact strokes: no matter how much the enemy has health, if Godric deprives him of his head in time, no points and interest on the enemy will help the enemy. In this sense, Hellion is most reminiscent of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and cult Severance: Blade of Darkness: All three games are, in the apt expression of Oleg Stavitsky, "Figure thread in the human body".

The formation of an inquisitor

The authors seriously work out the world of the game. For the protagonist, they even came up with a full -fledged biography.

Godric was born in 1198. In Glastonbury. His father, Alrik, was one of the most revered European knights who played a big role in the third crusad. From the age of seven, Godric studied the art of fencing and always dreamed of becoming the same as his father – a noble Christian knight, honest and devoted to the Holy Roman Church. But when he was 10 years old, it happened terrible: one night a group of armed men came to their house and accused Alik of heresy. They wanted to arrest the knight, but Alrik resisted and was killed right in front of his son. His uncle took up the upbringing of Godric. At the age of 18, with a non -healing scar on the heart, Godric left England where his eyes looked, wander around Europe: he was full of grief and understanding that this world was unfair. During his wanderings, he joined the stray Dominican monks. Their meeting turned out to be mutually useful: Godric defended the brothers from numerous bandits from a high road, and the Dominicans taught him the secret art of expelling evil spirits. Soon the satellites reached Rome, where the Pope himself set the most important task before the monks. Wandering around Europe, they had to explore various heretical sects, calculate their leaders and make these cults to stop their activities (how exactly this should happen, whether the heretics will repent themselves or not – the tenth business). There, in Rome, one of the cardinals learned from the Dominicans about Godric’s unique qualities, about his ability to expel the devil, not only with a sword, but also with the right prayer. The cardinal realized that the knight would be very useful to fulfill secret missions that could put an end to religious wars in Europe. So Godric became a member of the Inquisition. In the yard stood 1219 from the Nativity of Christ ..

… as well as prayer and stool

However, the Poles are not alien to new trends. By the latest fashion, there will be a lot of Quick-Time Events in the battles, but they will not turn on how, but only when Godric successfully puts the block or somehow disorients the enemy. In addition to swords, daggers and crossbows, we will be able to use bombs with Greek fire (it is very difficult to extinguish it), holy water, divine artifacts to strengthen attacks and even improvised furniture. For example, it will be possible to heat the enemy in time with a stool in time.

But the most important thing – in addition to the sword Godric, can and will have to use the art of expelling demons. About how exactly this will happen, we learned from the authors the first. Home News: Yes, Godric will really be loudly and chanting prayers. There are so far about three of them. Naturally, we give you their names in Latin, but it is possible that in the game prayers will be read in more affordable English. The first on the list is Memento Mori (“Remember of Death”): it allows you to free the soul, a trap for which has become a dead body (that is, players will help the soul find peace). During the action of prayer, we will see some retrospective personnel telling about the past of a person. Next is EXI MALEFICUS (“Away, Evil”): This prayer drives the demon from the body of the obsessed (living). So we will send the demon back to hell; True, it is possible that the saved body will not immediately rush at us with a knife. Finally, Flagellum Dei (“whip of God”) is an offensive exorcism, designed to destroy tangible demons, which have already gained physical form in our world.

The cutting diagram of the heretic
Hellon combat system in action

All this, of course, is similar to replacing ordinary spells, which can also be pumped. But the authors still insist that the expulsion of demons has nothing to do with ordinary magic.

Combat exorcism is especially worth noting. It would seem that we are waiting for an arrangement of ideas Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time : First we beat the obsessed, and then, so that he does not “rebel”, we read the prayer over the body. So, everything is just the opposite. In Hellon, you will first have to replace the wicked, and when the demon leaves his body, it remains only to deal with the shell – devoid of superpowers by a person.

The plot will also be the canonical scenes of the expulsion of the devil – obviously, with the obsessed and priest who reads the prayers attached to the bed. Of course, we could not help but ask whether the authors plan an episode with a little girl, in the unconsciousness of a crumbling hero with dirty curses. Macezh quickly found what to answer: “You see, we have a slightly different scale. Yes, at first the players are waiting for local exorcism sessions, but closer to the middle of the game we will already have an apocalypse. Having gained experience, Godric will send a dozen demons to hell ".

* * *

Of course, many aspects of Hellion: Mystery of the Inquisition are still covered in fog. What will happen to upgrades and a role system (and whether it will be at all) what divine artifacts are and how they work, whether Godric can engage in third -party quests (as it was, for example, in the series Knights of the Temple )? Finally, who will be the publisher and when the release will take place? So far we are talking about a rather vague 2011 year. However, we are ready to wait for such a game. Any alternatives we simply do not have. Today no one makes classic hardcore slasers anymore. The closest competitor of the Polish project could be French Crusaders: Invasion of Constantinople , But she seems https://voodoo-wins-casino.co.uk/ to have already died. On the website of the Russian publisher, Play Ten , It still seems that the game will be released in September 2009, and the official site has not been updated a long time ago. So pray for the health of the servant of God Godric ..

We will wait? A unique slasher, where we can first take the enemy, and then brush his head off his shoulders or heat his stool.

Percentage of readiness: 50%

Army of Two: The 40th Day

The eccentric St. Petersburg composer Oleg Karavaychuk recently reminded himself with one very funny story. At some official event, he went on stage (the whole St. Petersburg gentry was sitting in the hall, including Valentina Matvienko) and before sitting on the piano, he said literally the following: “Dear friends! All that you heard here was terrible in **. For those who think that he rustled, I repeat: by-*-*. And now we will listen to music ".

If you apply this coordinate system to Army of Two: The 40th Day, then, unfortunately, it turns out that it is by no means in the category of “music”.

It was and became

Army of Two , The two years ago, there was from the breed of games that you skip not without pleasure, but the next day you forget what it was about there. By external signs, it could be mistaken for another clone GEARS of WAR. In reality, it was an independent game with a new, still unnecessary concept. For her sake it was possible to forgive a colorless picture, dull levels and not God the news of which plot is all fixable, for that there are sequels. And then the sequel came out ..

In cooperative action, the assignment for joint performance usually leaves a feeling. Even in GEARS of WAR, if you think, a partner is needed only to save you in case of injury. The tasks in the spirit of “click the button, and I run past the traps” could easily be omitted. But it is necessary to somehow justify the title of cooperative shooter!

In Army of Two, the cart was first put behind the horse. A partner is needed here, because this is how the plan requires, and not vice versa. As in any shooter with shelters, the barrage fire here is usually too dense to go to the frontal. Therefore, the tasks are distributed as follows: while one distracts the fire on himself, the other comes from the flank or from the rear and shoots overly carried away by opponents. Those transfer the fire to a new goal, and the roles are changing – now you are distracting them, and the partner shoots. This system is called Aggro, and, as it is easy to guess, it was reciped from the MMORPG genre.

Other techniques on Aggro are not tied, but also built on the interaction of the main characters. The two most common ones are “steam locomotive” and “shoulder to shoulder”. In the first case, one of the fighters is covered with a shield (surrogates will also fit – the door from the car or the distribution shield), the second is walking behind him and shooting him and shoots. Episodes “shoulder to shoulder” happen in strictly defined places and, by and large, are not interesting: the ammunition is endless, the enemies of the rod from all sides – know how to turn your head and have time to shoot back. In the event of a wound, a comrade will run up, he will drag it somewhere and insole the morphine. If you have managed to get a bullet in a well -shot place away from shelters, then write is gone: you need a small one for treatment, but time, but for now your partner will be bored, it will shoot it himself.

The presence of absence

The heroes of the game are called Tyson Rios (Bugay with scars) and Eliot Salem (the owner of the same cheerful voice as Nathan Drake from Uncharted ). They started as rangers, then went to the mercenaries, quarreled with their own employer, destroyed him and their entire company, after which they created their own office – TRANSWORLD Operations (Two). As many as three employees: with himself and the girl Alice on the phone. Quite a small business, also on "simplification", probably.

The second part begins with the fact that Rios and Salem arrive in Shanghai. Well, how: China, Emering Market – everything is like ordinary entrepreneurs. After the very first-rather routine-the mission around begins something strange: someone sangs along Shanghai rockets, crowds of mercenaries appear on the streets from somewhere. Rios and Salem are trying to make their feet, but they are interfered with their own Samaritanism (first they protect the hospital, then they help the Russian mercenary Brezhnev, who released them from captivity), then minor troubles (they knock them down right above their heads). In the end, Salem freaks down and offers to kill the reptile because of which they missed the plane home. Rios agrees. The reptile is killed. All. This is the whole plot.

You somehow even take a bit of such a catch. The first part at least followed decency. It was a third -rate thriller, but with a whole, in a detailed history. There is no even this in 40th Day. There is no structured story: between two events – an attack on Shanghai and the destruction of the Glavzlodeus – not a single plot event occurs, Salem and Rios only move from one point to another and shoot everyone in their path. There is no motivation: what kind of forty day is it? what the hell she needs? In the final, the villain mutters something about the highest goals, but all this is so unconvincing that I don’t even want to retell. There is no logic: Shanghai is equal to the ground, and China did not even scratch his army by alarm.

Instead of the plot, moral “dilemmas” from the category “kill or spare” is slipped every now and then ”. They are not of great interest, because they only affect which they show the video after that and whether they will give a new ammunition (they will not give it – well, it is not necessary, it can be bought). The only interesting choice will be only in the final itself, but it does not change anything.

* * *

For what to fight is important, but even more important – how to fight. Alas, 40th Day in this regard not only did not advance, but also degraded. Firstly, the value of the AGGRO system has decreased. In the first part, the fire was almost always so dense that until you come from the flank or from the rear, it was possible to exchange bursts before infinity. In the sequel, the difficulty reduced so much that sometimes you can shoot entire crowds into the frontal. Even the last level is easy to pass at the WG Casino maximum level of complexity on the first attempt.

Secondly, it became worse with the balance of weapons. In 99 cases out of 100 there is enough default machine. And since the game is short (this is already third), one and a half to two times shorter than the original, there is no reason to invest in upgrades.

Army of Two happened the same story as with the series True Crime. The developer came up with an interesting concept, but could not develop it to the desired condition, and in continuation also made it worse than it was. Maybe at least the third part will trust the other team?

Game Formula: 50% GEARS OF WAR + 25% mmorpg + 25% of the foam filler

Gameplay: 8

Graphics: 6

Sound and music: 7

Control: 8

Plot: 2

Stability: 8

Originality: 6

Grade: 6.5

[[Break]] spectacular and effective

Four ways to deal with enemies not only quickly, but also beautiful

Synchronous shooting

In certain places of sentries, you can shoot synchronously with a partner. Due to this, firstly, an extra shootout can be avoided, and secondly, the sentries will not have time to call for help, as they will die at the same time.

Fictive surrender

If you have already hit the field of view of enemies, but you have not yet managed to open fire on you, you can simulate surrender. Your character will kneel, opponents will relax … And then you will grab a gun and shoot them in Rapid.

Fictive death

If you feel that Karachun is about to come, and to take off, you can pretend to be dead. They will cease to pay attention to you, and then the work of technology.

Taking hostage

If you get to the opponents from the back, you can take the hostages of their commander, and then there is a chance that the whole group will surrender without a fight. After that they can be tied or shot.

What's new?

Despite the fact that in general The 40th Day is a step back compared to the first part, the game has also changes for the better. Firstly, new techniques (fictitious surrender, taking commanders hostage), and secondly ..

– Heroes acquired new voices – they are much better than before. Salem is voiced by Nolan North (Drake from Uncharted , Desmond Miles from Assassin’s Creed ), Rios – powerful Jonathan Adams (serial actor).

– Roadie Run appeared – this is when, by pressing the button, the character goes to fast running, like in GEARS of WAR.

– AI has become less aggressive, even on the maximum complexity. In the first part, the enemies more often climbed into the rang: if you stopped shooting in the hope of restoring health, there were definitely desperate heads that tried to run to your shelter. Now this happens much less often.

-the choice of angle (due to the right shoulder or due to the left) in The 40th Day is manually made, while earlier it happened automatically. It has become more convenient.

– Grenades "Hang" on a separate button. In the first part, they had to switch to them, as in old -regime shooters.

– During the wound, the character fell and sat motionlessly, waiting for his partner to come running and heal him. Now you can not wait, but crawl to the side on your own. On the other hand, the wounded person could shoot from the machine gun, and now – only from the pistol.

– Detailing and the range of drawing (enemies at long -distance distances has grown better). This can be called a plus, but with two reservations. Firstly, against the backdrop of other modern shooters The 40th Day, it looks still poor. Secondly, the peculiarity of UNREAL Engine 3 technology makes itself felt: metal objects look good, but everything else ..

5 reasons why KKI on League of Legends has a chance

By the decade League of Legends studio Riot Games announced a number of new products designed to expand and deepen the Game universe. Here is the fighting and “Diaglade”, and the animated series that will tell about the youth of Jinx and Wai … But if these projects are at an early stage of development, then a collection card game Legends of Runeterra You can feel now.

It would seem a failure experience Artifact proved that the binding to the popular Moba does not guarantee success in the already divided market. However, Legends of Runeterra has every chance not to repeat the sad fate of the predecessor.

The first reason: the balance between complex and casual

If in Artifact, KKI wound innovations like three fields and crews, then Lor (sonorous and easily memorable reduction) goes along a reliable path, beaten Hearthstone And MTG Arena. The field is only one, the cards habitually come into the hand of the deck, the player’s task is to demolish all Mister X Casino the health of the enemy nexus: here the card armies protect not heroes-commander, but their structure.

The round consists of three phases. First, players put up creatures on the battlefield and conjure spells, and you can immediately throw it into battle called up the creatures – no hibernation at the first move, as in the brainchild Blizzard. Then the user is offered to either transfer the move, avoiding skirmishes and accumulating strength, or immediately attack his counterpart … unless, of course, at that moment he is allowed to initiate a fight. Be that as it may, at the beginning of the next move, the opponents change places: the attacker goes into defense, and the defender gets the opportunity to first hit the enemy.

This is what the start of the game looks like

Spells were divided into three types: slow, instant and fast. Slow – the most slaughter, but conjure them for a long time, so that the enemy can soften, or even completely cancel the consequences of the attack. Instant ones are noticeably weaker (in any case, when it comes to damage on enemy forces), but their action cannot be reflected: they are triggered here and now, opening the spaciousness for unexpected pods. Fast – something average: they hurt it, but not catastrophically, and protecting them from them is quite real.

A set of spells is ready to annie enemy warriors

Mana is completely restored at the beginning of the course, and the maximum pool increases by one point with each round. There is also a reserve of magical energy, which can only be spent on spells: mana, not spent by the player until the end of the course, is sent there. Only three points allow you to save, but this is already a considerable help-there will be the opportunity to fry the enemy with the “last spark” of the luxury for 6 mana, when only 3 remains in her bullet.

Hereinafter – art that flaunts on the maps. The artists tried, you can not say anything!

Naturally, the game on the League of Legends cannot do without champions. This is a separate type of map, they have unique skills and their own spell set. Heroes can be pumped and strengthened by fulfilling certain conditions: one will receive a level-up when he is damaged, the other-if there are no cards in the player’s hand, the third-if you create spells for six or more mana.

At the same time, the strengthening of some characters at first glance seem to be almost Chiters. For example, pumped Fiora automatically wins the party, killing four opponents!

If you immediately rush into battle, in all these phases and rules is no wonder and get confused. However, training smoothly introduces the player to the course of business, and even if you poke at random, after a couple of the loser, it is easy to understand the rink. LOR is more difficult to master than Hearthstone, but easier than MTG; She has something to surprise long -standing fans of the genre, but it will also be easy for beginners to delve into. Unusual mechanics are a fair price for what Lor attracts true strategists. Namely…

The second reason is: the spaciousness for interesting tactics

The game has six fractions (local analogue of flowers from MTG): Demassia, Knoxus, Ionia, Freelord, Geproughs, as well as the United Cities-States Piltover and Zaun. Everyone has fifty -three cards at the start; You can take representatives of one or two regions in the deck, and each has its own characteristic features and strengths. Someone Buffet and heals allies, someone poison the enemy with poisons and arranges pods, someone knows how to immobilize and freeze the units of the enemy. At the same time, the role of the Great Bere Random is minimized: when protecting, you can always arrange your fighters in the right order so that the attack of the mighty enemy trindamy does not have to reflect the weak, and only a few spells are hit for random purposes.

Even fluently viewing cards, you immediately notice effective combinations. For example, some spells hurt all creatures on the field. Pick up a deck of units to them, which pump, having received damage – and an unpleasant surprise to the opponent is provided. And if you add to this the hero that it becomes stronger, losing allies?.. And this is only within the same faction – competent unions of the two regions open much more opportunities.

The unique features of the champions suggest one of the simplest ways to win: to protect and pump their heroes, as soon as possible killing the enemy. This is related by Legends of Runeterra with Moba … Only here, unlike the League of Legends, it can easily fall without the participation of champions. There are also many strong creatures among ordinary units, so relying on the heroes is not a panacea, but a contestic is found on any tactics. The more interesting!

Reason is the third: the game will come in not only the fans of the League of Legends

Of course, first of all, the project is designed for fans of League of Legends – and they will pleasantly surprise them how organically familiar heroes were adapted to the mechanics of KKI. Jinx Sharashit through enemies with rockets, Timo treats with poisoned mushrooms, Trash attracts the units with a chain, choosing exactly who to block or attack. To compare the card heroes with the Moba champions and understand where the legs of a particular chip grow from – a separate entertainment, and the recognition element, of course, is played by Lor in hand.

For players who are not familiar with the Universe, spectacular animations, beautiful art and touching animals-poles, who were seated along the edges of the field. It’s nice to look at all this, even if you have no idea who these people (and animals!). And it is not at all necessary to know what abilities the champion in LOL had to win for him in Lor: the signatures on the cards will explain in advance how this or that hero is good.

By the way, by the way, it will be possible to buy clothes and change the appearance – and, as they assured the presentation of the game, the studio expects to receive profit from the new KKI mainly due to customization. It’s even easy to believe in this … although the next point has its own nuances.

The reason is fourth: competent monetization

There will be no paid boosters in Lor. Yes, no sets for which you pay real money. All packages with new cards are opened for experience points: they are awarded both for victories and for defeats, although they give, of course, more for victory. You play a lot – you get access to the treasury, where additional awards are distributed once a week. Well, if you really want to purchase a particular unit in a deck, it will be allowed to exchange it for a “crazy card”, an analogue of the Joker from MTG.

Small cards, unlike everything else, are bought – both for the in -game currency and for rubles – but you can buy no more than three per week. On the one hand, this is a reasonable method of combating Pay to Win – and at the same time with an annoying random, when the booster may not get caught at all what was hoping to get. On the other hand, a tricky way to keep users in the game, forcing them to equalize regularly and a little.

Judge for yourself: sooner or later additional cards will appear in Lor, among which there will probably be many strong and method. The easiest way to get hold of updates as soon as they are introduced into the game is to slowly save “Slaltered Cards”. This is not more than three in the store, and as much as you like in the inventory. I bought forty pieces – and when the update comes out, the new deck is in your pocket. At the same time, laying out a small amount of once a week psychologically easier than to fall off at once five thousand. If you recall the treasures, we get excellent motivation to constantly go into the game without throwing it for many months.

On the other hand, all cards can be obtained for free – it is only a matter of perseverance and time. How ordinary players will lag behind those who invest real means in the game can only be judged after the release. So at the moment, monetization really looks very competent: soft and unobtrusive.

The reason is the fifth: Lor takes the best from competitors

When creating its own kKI, Riot had many examples before: both successful and not very. Now it seems that the studio really took into account other people's mistakes, not forgetting to take into account adequate decisions.

From MTG they took phases, different types of spells and unclosed units, which made the game deeper and more complicated by Hearthstone – but removed the lands, simplifying the mechanics and reducing the threshold of entry. The function of the “eye of the oracle”, which will show the outcome of the fight, so that you do not have to calculate everything in the mind, is clearly inspired by Artifact: they also prompted how the clash of the units will end. From Shadowverse borrowed the evolution of cards on the battlefield. Mix all this, remove the elements that players dislikes the most (like paid boosters and random), add the worked out universe and a couple of fresh gameplay solutions – we get Legends of Runeterra. What is not a recipe for success?

A full -fledged closed beta starts at the beginning of 2020, so Riot has a little time to eliminate shortcomings. On the other hand, Legends of Runeterra is simply not visible, in any case, while while. It will be possible to judge the balance and other subtle matters only by Beta, and the viability of the game without a donation – and then later. In the meantime, LOR gives the impression of a pretty, smart and promising project, which may well compete with competitors, or even lure part of the audience from them. And, unlike Artifact, he is able not only to please the fans of the League of Legends, but also to lure the runterra of people into the world, which had not been in it before.

New Year and Xbox Game Pass. Recipe for a great holiday

That we all plan on long and do not have the New Year and Christmas holidays for long walks? Go through all the bought games! No, not even like that: first buy on sale, and then go through all the available games.

A wonderful plan, ready to subscribe to the whole team. But it can be made to it some changes and improvements. Especially lucky in this regard for those who have a Xbox One S or Xbox One X prefix on the shelf. After all, they can use the convenient Xbox Game Pass service!

What is the essence of the "game pass"? You pay monthly a small amount, 599 rubles, and in return you get unlimited access to a whole game library. Among them, both the new and tested masterpieces, and small, but significant projects that I always wanted to meet, but it was a pity to spend money.

Let's see what fresh appeared in the Game Pass pantry for New Year's holidays.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

This game is unlikely to need recommendations. Metal Gear Solid 5 is the last project, in the credits of which the name Hideo Kojima is next to the name Konami… more precisely, not worth. But we are still in the know! This game was lit up at once in several nominations and only almost reached the top three of the best Games of the Year in 2015.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain became the largest in the MGS series even though some of the content was seized from it, in some places, stabbed in the living. This is a crazy "sandbox" in which each goal can be achieved by a dozen different ways. And also this is a game that connects many destinies and plot lines, as well as piercingly and perfectly completes the long -term saga. It is hard to imagine that after that someone wants to continue, and even made without the participation of the series of the series.

If you still have not met the game, bring it to your festive calendar.


Even those who hates militants and shooters and have never shot from a virtual rifle in their lives, have probably heard about Gears of War. The first part proved that in the dilapidated genre of a third-person action movie you can add something new, fresh. And this glorious tradition of surprising players survived to the last part at the moment, GEARS of WAR 4.

New heroes brought with them a new story and opportunities. Opponents are still smart, cunning and dangerous, and shelters still Mister X Casino save the life of prudent fighters. Bright game situations do not allow you to get bored for a minute, fierce shootings alternate with leisurely and complete alarming research missions.

And do not forget about the main thing: there is a chainsaw here!

Mass Effect

If you are not yet familiar with the Mass Effect universe, then most likely, you only recently learned how to walk or finally discovered a wonderful new world of a video game. Honestly, we envy, because you have a meeting that will change your whole life and make the name of Shepard one of those that immediately cause a response in the soul.

The first part of the science fiction trilogy has launched a huge universe before us, in which humanity is not in the backyards, it certainly does not believe the fate of other worlds. And it is for us that the opportunity to change this alignment of forces falls out. And even if not everything turned out smoothly the first time, but the exciting story, amazing worlds and magnificent partners make the game a mandatory game for every self -respecting gamer.

Resident Evil HD

You are already scared? If not, then believe me: you will be very scared. And also painful and uncomfortable. The classic Resident Evil, published more than twenty years ago, did not even try to pretend to be a cheerful action movie with a shooting of crowds of zombies, and she tries to return to this state in new parts. The most difficult thing here is just to survive, because there are almost no cartridges, there is nowhere to wait for help, and the weakest enemy will not be difficult to break and delve the gaping hero delightfully.

In the remaster, the picture is not revolutionary, but noticeably improved. However, the most important thing is that the management is finally made humanly. And everything that seems obsolete, bulky and uncomfortable becomes in its place, you just have to understand and accept the rules of the local harsh game.

If you want to understand why later the later, beautiful and convenient parts of the series are scolding? Select Chris and get to the end.

Halo Wars: Expanded Edition

Ensemble Studios Given the Halo series to fans … Real Strategy Halo Wars!

In the gameplay, the authors of the game did not have wise and took already proven solutions from the series Age of Empires. But, unlike a long -forgotten clone Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds , The game Halo Wars managed to maintain and convey the brightness and dynamism of the fights of the most famous shooter from Xbox. The story campaign came out short, but extremely emotional, battles – fleeting and exciting, and the game world consistent with the spirit of the original shooter.

The expanded publication makes the classical strategy of 2009 quite modern and saturates it with additional content. If you consider yourself a fan of strategies or a Halo series, put Halo Wars in the list of mandatory to familiarize.

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘N’ Tasty

To stand up to everyone, before us is another unlucking classic: a platform quest Oddworld , Released in 1997, and in 2014, caring carefully to the modern three-dimensional engine. The game will send us to the salvation of Aiba and his brothers-mudocons (yes, they are called so!) from evil gluccons trying to let eccentric creatures on food.

Next year the studio Oddworld inhabitants will release a new game about the adventures of Mudocon Abe – Oddworld: Soulstorm. To meet the premiere fully armed, you should get acquainted with the original source in advance.

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition

War will save the world. In real life, this formula rarely works, but in the original Darksiders, published in 2010, this is exactly what we had to do. One of the riders of the Apocalypse, war, went to Earth to prevent an unscheduled end of the world and save the planet. The game looks like a patchwork blanket from familiar heroes, plots and combat systems, but at the same time all pieces are kept extremely tight thanks to the neat and exciting game process.

Last year, the slasher Darksiders received a reprint of Warmastered Edition. No, the game did not look like a modern high-budget project, but this still does not bother anyone, because the main thing in it is the process itself!

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter

Studio Games series Frogwarees About Sherlock Holmes usually remains not in the focus of attention of adventure quests lovers. Perhaps often undeservedly. After all, where else can you feel yourself in the skin of the most famous detective, walk along London streets, conduct a thoughtful study of evidence, and finally triumphantly resolve a difficult matter!

The Devil’s Daughter, even if it has not become the best part of the Sherlock Holmes series, but it can still be advised to those who want to get acquainted with the controlled Watson. After all, all subsequent games will be even more interesting!

The World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap

Hearing the name of Van Helsing, you are waiting for dynamic fights with all evil spirits, gloomy heroes and plot with an admixture of mysticism and romance. The game Deathtrap in this regard is in the series The World of Van Helsing. Before us is a sessional action movie in the Tower Defense genre, with an apa-kettlely accurate mechanics and a minimum of stories.

If you like fights of strategic minds and tactical calculations, do not miss the game!

This War of Mine: The Little One

If the world still has players who are not familiar with the harsh simulator of survival in the occupied territories of This War of Mine, they have the opportunity to correct this universal injustice. The Little One supplement adds an additional factor to the joyless picture of hunger, cold, depression and dangers: children who are not too easy to take care of in peaceful time.

And now a minute of arithmetic. If we suddenly decide to buy all of the above games, you will have to spend 14,945 rubles. Even the most zealous dance will think about whether to leave such an amount for more pressing needs. At the same time, for only 599 rubles you can study other planets, save the world, investigate criminal cases and survive in a military rear for a month!

And for those who have only recently learned about the existence of Xbox Game Pass, there is a trial free period. Get it, and New Year's holidays for you will be saturated with a hundred wonderful games!

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