
Dirt 3: Review

Racing simulators and arcades also have internal division, like militants or RPG. We clearly distinguish between “shooters” about the Second World War, modernity, future, realistic and arcade. The races all the same. And Dirt is a niche product that can be said, there are not even competitors.

Creation Codemasters Special, you will not meet brilliant cars with low landing here, you will not find elegant cars that will break into pieces, get on the road at least one bump. In Dirt, if I may say so, “cars with eggs” are aggressive, strong, monthly dirt and digging into the snow. These are races for men. This is a rally, damn it!

The main advantage of Dirt 3 is the immersion effect. You sit in the cabin, the lead sky presses you, the steering wheel shakes, hands shake, it rains.

The story of Colin

The history of the emergence and development of the series is a separate story that can be told for a long time. Dirt – a new round for Colin Macray Rally. It was supposed to become more realistic, more severe. Rally here is off -road racies, often without other cars, when you are alone with a highway and with a non -stop time floating time.

Then, in 2007, the game received fairly high marks, and therefore the announcement of the next part happened in a year, and after two-and the release of the continuation itself.

And although both projects entered the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the graphics were completely different. The second part after the first seemed unprecedented. Even now she looks more beautiful than many representatives of the genre. Moreover Codemasters “Screwed up” and a huge number of interesting “chips”. For example, instead of a regular menu, I made a house on wheels. You could get out into the street, look at your car, like fans wave their hands.

Plus, the design of the competition was just magnificent. It was difficult not to admire the repetitions of the races – excellent music contributed. The developers were surprisingly able to build everything so that it was pleasant to ride in Dirt 2 even those who were not at all enthusiastic about the races. The project took immersion and atmosphere.

It was only bad that the content turned out to be very little. The tracks quickly began to repeat themselves, there were only a little modes, trucks disappeared. I wanted more. And the authors did not even release a pretty addition. But very quickly announced a third part.

From the second part to the third

In principle, it should not embarrass such an imminent announcement. The difference between the second and first games is also two years, but what is the progress! We were waiting for a breakthrough and from Dirt 3. I wanted to see the return of trucks, and a more interesting physical model, and everything that we could not even imagine.

But the first impression of Dirt 3: “And this is not Dirt 2?»Graphics have changed the same way as the apartment after cleaning. Yes, dust does not interfere with the splendor of the napled tables, all objects are placed in places, but if you were waiting for major repairs, and in the end I received clean floors, then this somehow restrains the joy of what you saw.

In addition, physics has become easier, management is more affordable. And the menu now looks like … menu. Or rather, the ugly menu. Cuba hanging in the air drive into the thoughts of the mortality of being and the absence of not only the taste of the authors, but also common sense. For what?! Why change it (menu-furgon), which worked just fine. Why spoil it (magnificent immersion when you feel like a real racer) that everyone was noted as a dignity. It’s like if in the new Battlefield removed classes, in Grand Theft Auto Free city, in Dragon Age an interesting plot … Stop … in 2011, apparently, the sun storms somehow act on the thought of the creators of the games. Togo and look, Mass Effect 3 will add “Men’s Love”. Oh… TrollFace.JPG

The tracks are completely different. There are urban, winter, desert, night, in the forest and outside – for every taste.

Codemasters glues wallpapers and puts parquet

But after a dozen races, when you already get used to the idea that the third part is like this – very similar to the second, you understand that not everything is so bad (well, at least until you are in the main menu). Still, the schedule was “polished” well (taking into account the fact that the engine was not changed, yes …). The consoles are squeezed out of leisure – they cannot give out more. And at the same time we get such beauty landscapes that Dirt 3 you can show in travel agencies. Like, you still doubt that Finland is great? Ride here here, past the lake and among fir trees. The effect is guaranteed who patentes the method, then send me to Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Money. More and I don’t ask for more.

In addition, the tracks became even more worked out. Last time, the authors simply poured puddles, now they tried to make the coating realistic. When you rush off -road, you feel every bump, every hollow. The steering wheel shakes, he seems to try to break out of your hands. And if you do not hold it, then your car will quickly fit into the nearest tree. After that, by the way, you can enjoy the new damage system. Manages affects weakly, but it looks great. Plus there is the effect of “hitting a solid object of the camera”. True, the novelty is controversial. It feels like you Look race, watch on TV, and not participate in it. Together with the lousy main menu that destroys immersion, this leads to thought ..

But in general, if we talk about the transmission of the atmosphere, then the third dirt is better than the second. Spectators who run out onto the highway, and then hurriedly try to get out of it, competitors who are breaking through your eyes, who are stealing after the roadside. And what are the weather effects here, how amazing the night looks!

COMPLESS Watch Very nice. There is a feeling that in front of you is either a real race, or a coolly stipulated film.

“Jimkhan” – how much pain in this word ..

But do not think that Codemasters I didn’t introduce anything new at all, and we just have to be content with the second part in the new wrapper. The developers added the Jimkhan mode, which has become the hallmark of the new game. You can even say that Dirt 3 – About him. And about Ken Block, who throughout the PR campaign “lit up” in almost all videos, and then became a coach in the new type of racing.

The essence of the “Jimkhan” is simple, but the performance of this essence is a headache for many. You need to go through the track for a while, performing various tricks by car. Enter the controlled skid, then circle around the pillar, knock down obstacles and fly as far as possible by car. Tasks are set in strict sequence and we must very skillfully overcome them.

For players with keyboards, this is fear and horror. And with the steering wheel, admitted, not so simple. I had to watch a few videos on YouTube a hundred times to learn most tricks. How to enter the skid, where to pull the steering wheel, at what speed ..

Entertainment, frankly, not for everyone. Do not be “jimkhan” at all in Dirt 3, It would be easier for me, since this type of competition is not for me, but it is strictly necessary to pass it. It doesn’t work? Try again. It doesn’t work again? Either continue to suffer or throw a game. For if you do not pass, then you will not be allowed to go further in the campaign. Such things. But I admit that in general this regime is quite healthy. And many fell in love.

True, there is a different type of entertainment here. You just need to drift and type the right number of points, knock down cardboard aliens attacking cardboard skyscrapers, and the like. In theory, such modes are distracted from the usual rally. Although if they returned the races on trucks, it would be no worse ..

By mud to the finish

But we have no right to scold rally races for the scarcity of content. Let the tracks are repeated, but there are not so few of them, and there are about 50 cars at all. Moreover, these are a variety of cars, there are cars of the past-the sixties and nineteous years. For each era – a set of cool “car”. There are many machines of professionals with a unique coloring.

In general, there is something to ride on and where to ride. And if you get tired of the campaign, no one bothers to go to the multiplayer. There are ordinary modes and all sorts of extravagant – such as the same “jimkhan”.

True, the search for rivals is not the easiest-you often have to stupidly sit in the lobby for a long time, and when you get on the track, the team suddenly changes the type of race, and you find yourself in the mode that escaped from the campaign.

And by the way, the flashbacks remained. And they are still very nice to use. This is just the best idea for racing in the history of computer games. It was cooler only to come up with a steering wheel for them. Yes, and then! Do not start the track first, any mistake is very elegantly corrected. Just wound the time a little back – and continued the arrival. Only now repetitions can be poured on YouTube. Funny opportunity, followed by the future.

Dirt 3 – Great game, really great. And she is amazing for those who are not familiar with Dirt 2. It is pleasant to spend time for absolutely everyone. And there really is a lot of variety here. But, alas, the third part was not very far from her predecessor. And in some ways even inferior to her. Therefore, we put only “commendable”.

Pros: one of the most beautiful racing games;many cars;different modes;spent tracks;There are good musical compositions.
Cons: primitive physics and very simple management, sometimes it seems that you play the locomotive simulator;It is necessary to pass “Jimkhan” to advance in the campaign, and not everyone will like this;The main menu is terrible;The soundtrack is weaker than in Dirt 2.

Dirt 3

The best comments

The menu sets the mood when you enter the game. In Dirt 2, it was not ordinary and from it gave a positive attitude. Well, a few pyramids are somehow not ice!

Ha! But I remembered that in this game I really don’t like. This is a long, tedious chatter that cannot be missed. At the beginning of the races, all sorts of manuals.

The game turned out to be excellent, landscapes are very beautiful, the majority of time do not kill on the road, but to examine the surroundings))
True, it was not far from every re-launch of the game of saving the past for some reason that turned out to be spoiled and have to start a new profile … After the 3rd times, he was demolished from the screw in the hearts, because I liked the game, as well as all other parts before it before it.

Just arcade. Honest word since the time of KMR04 (or even 2.0) – just arcades.
Sadly, I’m

Fan Rally.

you are sick people, gave Alice amazing and Dirt 3 is commendable? what did you want from Dirt3? Yes, of course, improved Dirt2, because Dirt 2 was an ideal game, they just improved everything that the best races on the PS, and for the Causal, will go, and an amateur and even a hardcore with a steering wheel.

Remembering the Colin Mcrae 04.05 and their time, the sensations of delight from visual and physical components pop up. So amazing and believable at that time, not a single game regarding motorsport looked at the PC. For hours you could watch repetitions and moments of accidents. However, over time, gamers, bored on the NFS series, began to miss the highway in absolute loneliness and were tired of the infinite settings of the car, which inevitably reduced the number of fans of the game Colin Mcrae. The market attitude is a limp thing, and therefore Codemasters made the only true move – began to adapt its goods to common use.
The language does not turn this a betrayal, because that masterpiece that appeared to the world in the form of the first Dirt impressed the entire playing audience. It had everything: prohibitive graphics and physics, many modes, excitement and, of course, an unprecedented amount and a variety of cars. Dirt 2 further stepped towards the Arcade, although he managed not to lose authenticity. It seemed to many a improved shift option, but in reality the rally did not disappear, only the show and spectators became more. There was also an exquisite menu, solid localization and just a wonderful soundtrack, which could be listened to separately from the game. The game was perfect and could not get bored even after a drunken month of continuous pressing of keys.
At the time Dirt 3 release, many were not ready for its appearance – there was no delight of the second coming, so the reaction was late. But when gamers came to taste, it was impossible not to replace the progress of the series. The game did not change itself: naturalistic landscapes are distracted from the highway, the machine in the accident scattered to the screw, a friendly setting of control from the hardcore to the arcade and “Jimkhan” – a new entertainment, not reflected in any of the games. Of course, if you look for shortcomings, and not just enjoy gameplay, then Dirt 3 will seem not as successful project as its predecessor. However, the main criterion will always remain the moment of the first launch of the game. Including Dirt 3, indeed, you are surprised and rejoice, like a child, which means only one thing – the game was a success and continues to conquer gamers!

I agree with all the disadvantages and pluses, in Dier 2 the soundtrack was cooler, especially remembered by They Say (Scars on Broadway) and Say Agaaaaaa. ) The menu was better there, the racing scheme is simple, and then there is some kind of triangle, but here what is fine, many times more tracks than in the second.

1.The game is very good in the game, so it will pull in any way.
2.There is no tuning and never was in Dirt
3. From the 60s to modern. There is a lot of order.
4.Career has not gone anywhere.

Teareway Unfolded: Review

Male and female voices that deny any “fourth wall” welcome the game that launched and interests how to contact it. They even give a name-TO-Khovna (or Ta-Kovnovna). Voices are offered to click on R2 and see what happens. The DualShock 4 light indicator lights up, “projected” on the screen and illuminates the level made completely from colored paper.

The man-letter runs the level-the messenger who must deliver himself to the player (again personally to you). “Scraps” will interfere with this – cardboard boxes made from newspaper clippings. Here is such a strange tie for a future story.

Well, to me, to break?

Like Littlebigplanet, Teareway Unfolded With all his might shows how bright and fabulous it is;If you are lucky and you will not feel like an idiot, you can truly return to childhood. The narratives from the children’s circus are played by the votes of the children’s circus.

Despite the clearly inanimate origin, everything around looks stunningly alive: the squirrels jump and throw nuts, the water splashes in small paper drops, and all the characters are actively discussing the hole in the sky (at the same time, your physiognomy, which is visible from there). You can describe the visual style several paragraphs;The world made of paper looks bright, alive and interesting. With the transition to the PS4, resolution, personnel frequency, drawing range increased and textures improved.

If in Littlebigplanet Creative was purely optional and almost in no way connected with the gameplay, then Teareway Unfolded constantly forces something to cut, glue and change the game world in every way. At first, the whitish king asks to draw a crown to him, and then places it on all shields until the end of the passage. Then we are offered to make wings butterflies (I got them more likely infernal flies) or draw snowflakes.

Creating in all manifestations will have to constantly and forcibly, you will not turn away from this. The game will not go further until you develop a new deer design or draw mittens for winter levels. Sometimes worse: shout at the PlayStation Camera, depict a roar in a microphone, create an echo or scare the raven. As planned by the authors, everything should be cute and charming, but no one prevents the real art terrorism: my scarecrow shouted exclusively obscenities, and snowflakes were like ..

. however, we will not go into details.

All the technical bastards that you have: you have: a tablet or phone with the PlayStation App (if you set it laziness will help to cut it, you will have to suffer by drawing on a meager touchpad of the controller), you can take a picture of yourself and place yourself inside the game.

Other entertainment are also provided. For example, sometimes in the world there are things without texture, and they need to be photographed with a game camera. To photograph no less diligently than in your personal “Instagram”: with filters, a selfie stick or even in format .GIF. Then all this good can be placed on a special website.

We will still talk about management methods, but inherently the game is just an arcade platformer with a slight intersection of puzzles, where glasses (confetti) are the main stimulus for the study of the world. Passing the levels, you open up new capabilities of the hero (jump, turn into a ball) and get acquainted with new elements of the environment. Locations vary from narrow corridors to spacious ecosystems.

The story of an insured letter, as it passes, is spent on and further-a fabulous mood is replaced by scientific and fantastic tones, then it turns into a mystical epic, and ends with a trip in the best traditions Castanedes. With the advent of PS4, a small game has grown great – individual sections have become much larger, and fundamentally new levels appear closer to the end.

Paper red tape

But the details of the narrative and the tasks for drawing are secondary – here we have a platformer and only then a “creative workshop”. The original, developed for Vita, was completely focused on the capabilities of the console: hence your face in the sky (the game constantly remembered that you are, as it were, on top), hence the drawing that was implemented on the console touch screen and was so ridiculous to the touchpad.

The first input tool that the game introduces is the light indicator of the controller. Clutching the right trigger, you send the beam to the virtual world: illuminate the area, if it is dark, set fire to candles, hypnotize enemies – they run after the beam, falling from the cliff. At the same time, the movements of the gamepad are monitored by the game.

After some time, the messenger will learn how to jump, turn into a ball, and you will adjust the winds of the wind, moving your finger along the touchpad. This means that enemies can be blown away, like most objects of the paper world. The trampolines at the levels are replaced by drums (the front touch panel replaces the rear with Vita). Finally, the character can throw something into the screen, and you “for your part”-aim and throw it back: give a pass, get into the target or enemy.

All this Teareway Unfolded He teaches so slowly and lazily that the first four hours you feel strange: a regular jump is presented as a special opportunity only at the second level. The game does not bother at all the desire to be at least somewhat interesting, pretending that creative with management methods will replace a good game design.

But by the middle, the difficulty takes a good step forward. Exclusive levels begin, which were not in the original, and with them a gyroscope and all possible combinations of actions are used to the full coil. Only here it becomes just as interesting, difficult and fun, as in LBP. Sorry, it does not last long.

The last significant change Unfolded Compared to the original, the opponents have many times more, and therefore the battles are much more complicated. But not more interesting, on the contrary, it is clear that the combat system for such contractions is not designed. Scraps are dumped strictly on the arenas at the command of the script and destroyed in a variety of ways, plus there are always hypnosis in stock and the ability to beat enemies with each other.

Teareway Unfolded – This is a great, but no longer impeccable game. The desire of the authors to expand the story affected the structure: the plot became too fragmented and seems protected. The battles are bored, and some ideas (like a player’s portrait in the sky) failed to adequately transfer.

But we must admit that the new locations are magnificent and look much more interesting than the original. Paper, successful creative elements and a rich game process did not disappear, and in its own way the unexpected ending still puts an exquisite and beautiful point in history. Well, what to put, if not “amazing”?

Pros: All the advantages of the original are preserved;improved graphics;New chapters are better than the previous ones;No game so actively involves all PS4 possibilities.
Cons: rustic battle;plot fragmentation;It was not possible to transfer something.

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