Teareway Unfolded: Review
Male and female voices that deny any “fourth wall” welcome the game that launched and interests how to contact it. They even give a name-TO-Khovna (or Ta-Kovnovna). Voices are offered to click on R2 and see what happens. The DualShock 4 light indicator lights up, “projected” on the screen and illuminates the level made completely from colored paper.
The man-letter runs the level-the messenger who must deliver himself to the player (again personally to you). “Scraps” will interfere with this – cardboard boxes made from newspaper clippings. Here is such a strange tie for a future story.
Well, to me, to break?
Like Littlebigplanet, Teareway Unfolded With all his might shows how bright and fabulous it is;If you are lucky and you will not feel like an idiot, you can truly return to childhood. The narratives from the children’s circus are played by the votes of the children’s circus.
Despite the clearly inanimate origin, everything around looks stunningly alive: the squirrels jump and throw nuts, the water splashes in small paper drops, and all the characters are actively discussing the hole in the sky (at the same time, your physiognomy, which is visible from there). You can describe the visual style several paragraphs;The world made of paper looks bright, alive and interesting. With the transition to the PS4, resolution, personnel frequency, drawing range increased and textures improved.
If in Littlebigplanet Creative was purely optional and almost in no way connected with the gameplay, then Teareway Unfolded constantly forces something to cut, glue and change the game world in every way. At first, the whitish king asks to draw a crown to him, and then places it on all shields until the end of the passage. Then we are offered to make wings butterflies (I got them more likely infernal flies) or draw snowflakes.
Creating in all manifestations will have to constantly and forcibly, you will not turn away from this. The game will not go further until you develop a new deer design or draw mittens for winter levels. Sometimes worse: shout at the PlayStation Camera, depict a roar in a microphone, create an echo or scare the raven. As planned by the authors, everything should be cute and charming, but no one prevents the real art terrorism: my scarecrow shouted exclusively obscenities, and snowflakes were like ..
. however, we will not go into details.
All the technical bastards that you have: you have: a tablet or phone with the PlayStation App (if you set it laziness will help to cut it, you will have to suffer by drawing on a meager touchpad of the controller), you can take a picture of yourself and place yourself inside the game.
Other entertainment are also provided. For example, sometimes in the world there are things without texture, and they need to be photographed with a game camera. To photograph no less diligently than in your personal “Instagram”: with filters, a selfie stick or even in format .GIF. Then all this good can be placed on a special website.
We will still talk about management methods, but inherently the game is just an arcade platformer with a slight intersection of puzzles, where glasses (confetti) are the main stimulus for the study of the world. Passing the levels, you open up new capabilities of the hero (jump, turn into a ball) and get acquainted with new elements of the environment. Locations vary from narrow corridors to spacious ecosystems.
The story of an insured letter, as it passes, is spent on and further-a fabulous mood is replaced by scientific and fantastic tones, then it turns into a mystical epic, and ends with a trip in the best traditions Castanedes. With the advent of PS4, a small game has grown great – individual sections have become much larger, and fundamentally new levels appear closer to the end.
Paper red tape
But the details of the narrative and the tasks for drawing are secondary – here we have a platformer and only then a “creative workshop”. The original, developed for Vita, was completely focused on the capabilities of the console: hence your face in the sky (the game constantly remembered that you are, as it were, on top), hence the drawing that was implemented on the console touch screen and was so ridiculous to the touchpad.
The first input tool that the game introduces is the light indicator of the controller. Clutching the right trigger, you send the beam to the virtual world: illuminate the area, if it is dark, set fire to candles, hypnotize enemies – they run after the beam, falling from the cliff. At the same time, the movements of the gamepad are monitored by the game.
After some time, the messenger will learn how to jump, turn into a ball, and you will adjust the winds of the wind, moving your finger along the touchpad. This means that enemies can be blown away, like most objects of the paper world. The trampolines at the levels are replaced by drums (the front touch panel replaces the rear with Vita). Finally, the character can throw something into the screen, and you “for your part”-aim and throw it back: give a pass, get into the target or enemy.
All this Teareway Unfolded He teaches so slowly and lazily that the first four hours you feel strange: a regular jump is presented as a special opportunity only at the second level. The game does not bother at all the desire to be at least somewhat interesting, pretending that creative with management methods will replace a good game design.
But by the middle, the difficulty takes a good step forward. Exclusive levels begin, which were not in the original, and with them a gyroscope and all possible combinations of actions are used to the full coil. Only here it becomes just as interesting, difficult and fun, as in LBP. Sorry, it does not last long.
The last significant change Unfolded Compared to the original, the opponents have many times more, and therefore the battles are much more complicated. But not more interesting, on the contrary, it is clear that the combat system for such contractions is not designed. Scraps are dumped strictly on the arenas at the command of the script and destroyed in a variety of ways, plus there are always hypnosis in stock and the ability to beat enemies with each other.
Teareway Unfolded – This is a great, but no longer impeccable game. The desire of the authors to expand the story affected the structure: the plot became too fragmented and seems protected. The battles are bored, and some ideas (like a player’s portrait in the sky) failed to adequately transfer.
But we must admit that the new locations are magnificent and look much more interesting than the original. Paper, successful creative elements and a rich game process did not disappear, and in its own way the unexpected ending still puts an exquisite and beautiful point in history. Well, what to put, if not “amazing”?
Pros: All the advantages of the original are preserved;improved graphics;New chapters are better than the previous ones;No game so actively involves all PS4 possibilities.
Cons: rustic battle;plot fragmentation;It was not possible to transfer something.